
Presentasi Ciamik dengan Microsoft Power Point

     Presentasi yang menarik sangat menentukan dalam penyampaian rencana bisnis maupun penyampaian materi pembelajaran. Untuk itu, banyak pula aplikasi-aplikasi pendukung untuk memberikan tampilan presentasi yang ciamik dan menarik. Salah satunya ialah Microsoft Power Point. Ya, program besutan Microsoft ini telah mendunia sejak lama. Bahkan hingga sekarang pun Microsoft Power Point sendiri telah mengalami banyak update dan penyempurnaan dari versi lawasnya. Sekarang pada versinya yang terbaru, Microsoft Power Point mengemban fitur-fitur yang semakin menarik dan semakin mudah untuk digunakan. Tentunya dengan fitur-fitur tersebut, presentasi yang akan disampaikan dapat menjadi lebih menarik, lebih modern, dan tidak membosankan.          Sebelum masuk ke intinya, saya ingatkan bahwa saya akan menerangkan tips-tipsnya dengan bahasa Inggris. Maka jika dirasa agak membingungkan, anda bisa membuka google translate di tab browser baru. Berikut b...


Sebelum masuk ke topik inti, tak bosan saya mengingatkan bahwa inti topik dalam artikel ini akan saya sampaikan dalam bahasa inggris. Maka, jika dirasa agak sulit dimengerti dengan Bahasa Inggris, anda dapat membuka google translate di tab browser baru untuk membantu anda. In this era, technological advances have occurred in all fields. Various aspects and perspectives of society to science also changed with the progress of technological advances. In many fields such as education, economics, politics, art, etc. it has also developed along with the advancement of science and technology. In the field of education, during the learning process, the delivery of interesting material seems to have become an absolute requirement for teachers to share knowledge with students. Without the delivery of material that is quite interesting, students tend to be bored and lazy to take lessons. For this reason, technology introduces and offers many alternatives for teachers to deliver material m...


Hello, all! Welcome to this simple blog. Well, this is my first article, so I'll share you what I feel when I first created a blog. Have you ever made a blog? Or maybe you want to create a blog but you don’t know where to start? Or rather you have no desire to create a blog, but want to know how to create a blog just to fulfill your school assignments? It's embarrassing hahahha... well, even though I'm like that. I create a blog just to fulfill my duties and obligations. Yup so let me do it as best I can. Happy reading! Well, after going through a lot of confusion when I first created a blog, I finally had some conclusions in creating a blog on the internet. There may be many ways, but please remember that I will only explain what I have experienced. Yup, before creating a blog, of course you need to have an idea of ​​what kind of blog you want to make. You also have to set the purpose and content of the blog that you want to make. Is the blog for the sake of ed...