Hello, all! Welcome to this simple blog.
Well, this is my first article, so I'll share you what I feel when I first
created a blog. Have you ever made a blog? Or maybe you want to create a blog
but you don’t know where to start? Or rather you have no desire to create a
blog, but want to know how to create a blog just to fulfill your school
assignments? It's embarrassing hahahha... well, even though I'm like that. I
create a blog just to fulfill my duties and obligations.
Yup so let me do it as best I can. Happy reading!
Well, after going through a lot of confusion when I first created a blog, I
finally had some conclusions in creating a blog on the internet. There may be
many ways, but please remember that I will only explain what I have
experienced. Yup, before creating a blog, of course you need to have an idea of
what kind of blog you want to make. You also have to set the purpose and
content of the blog that you want to make. Is the blog for the sake of
education, business, as a place to channel hobbies, or for other purposes. It's
up to you, just decide.
Then, know, I understand if you are still experimenting when you first
create a blog. But when making a plan, try to make the content in the blog that
you will make not change themes too often. Why? So that readers are not
confused with the contents of your blog and so that readers can trust the
quality of your blog content.
So much. Uh, there's no more. After planning, determine the type of blog
that you will create. Will you create a blog from or from
wordpress. Both are the same, but to be honest I suggest making it from, because that's where I first created a blog. And in my opinion,
it's quite easy to understand for beginners. Well even though actually I have
never created a blog with wordpress.
Okay, just go ahead. Here are the steps:
There you might find a window like this.
Well no need
to be confused. On the front page of this blog, just wants to make
sure you have a blogger account or not. Know, to create a blog, you need to
register yourself with Take it easy, this is not a test, so just
click the sign in section and follow
the instructions to enter using your email address. Then you can
start creating a blog by clicking create
Determine the theme of your blog
Well, this
part is simple. Like I said at the beginning, you have to plan what you want to
do with your blog. That's what I meant by determining the theme of the blog.
But at you will also find personalized
themes for the appearance of
your blog later. Just choose the one you like then proceed to the next step.
Specify the name of your blog address and proceed to the next step. (I honestly forgot a little about this
stage, maybe the steps I mentioned were reversed or I don't know, just try it.)
To appear on google search
To be honest,
this is the most difficult and most complicated part. But I will try to explain
it as simple as possible. First open a new tab in your browser and type google
search console in the search box then enter. After that, open the
google search console site. In the initial window you will be asked to enter
your blog address. If you forget (or don't even know) the blog address that you
created in the previous step, then simply reopen your blog tab and click view
blog. After your blog window opens, you can copy the address of your
blog at the top and paste it in the google search console tab. that you opened
After that,
you will enter the main google search console page. Open the menu and select
the sitemap menu. After that type /sitemap.xml in the add
new site map box. If it is, press enter, or click send. No need to worry if an error status appears, it is only
because your blog has not been filled with articles at all.
Update the article
Reopen the tab that you opened earlier. Select the post menu and then click the box in the corner that says new entry. Now you are ready to make
your first article to be posted on the blog. Really, I don't want to explain
how to write articles. So try to start writing and try the menus. I'm sure you
will get used to it quickly.
Well, that's about the first time I made a blog. Initially I was confused,
and even now I'm still not used to it. But maybe this is also good for
practicing writing, imagining and looking for ideas.
So, I thought this first article first. Thank you for reading, and looking
forward to the next article. May this article be useful for you!
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