Menggunakan Webcam Sambil Merekam Layar dengan Camtasia

Jika kita meliah video-video tutorial di YouTube atau di situs manapun, kita akan melihat banyak video yang menampilkan suatu rekaman tutorial lengkap dengan video rekaman wajah wang pembuat video. Tanpa sadar, kita pasti kagum karena hal tersebut membuat video tampak lebih profesional dan lebih keren. Namun tahukah teman-teman bagaimana cara membuat video seperti itu? Untuk menjawab rasa penasaran tersebut, kali ini saya akan membagikan kepada teman-teman sekalian salah satu trik untuk membuat video rekaman layar komputer/laptop sembari menampilkan wajah pembuat video dengan Camtasia Studio.

(Seperti biasa, jangan lupa siapkan google translate untuk berjaga-jaga jikalau teman-teman merasa kesulitan memahami teks bahasa inggris)

How can I make my face appear while I recording my computer screen with Camtasia?

Let us get to the point. Surely, it is not a big deal at all. If you want to make your face recording (webcam) appeared during the screen recording on your computer, you just have to change the setting of your Camtasia.

As a starter, you can open up your Camtasia and click “Record the Screen” button. After the “Camtasia Recorder” menu box appeared, click the little arrow beside the “Webcam” icon and click option. Then choose “Program” menu from the option box.

There you will see some more option menu. Further, I suggest you to choose Corner for the “Region Appearence” menu, so that the webcam will appeared in the corner of your screencast. Look down a little and you will find the “Minimize” menu. You will find two option at the “Minimize” menu, those are: “Minimize Recorder” and “Minimize to.”

1.      Minimize Recorder
Here you can click the option and choose “If Recorder will be Recorded,” so everytime we start to record the screen with Camtasia, our face will also recorded by webcam. If we stop recording the screen, the webcam will also stop recording our face.

2.      Minimize to
Here you can also click the option and choose “Taskbar,” so that the webcam recording will be minimized to the taskbar while we record the screen.

Minimizing the webcam recording will bring an advantage for us, so that we will not get distracted by the webcam and stay focus on the screen recording. You will not see the webcam recording during the screencast, unless you stop recording the screen. When you stop the screencast and brought back to the edit page, you will see your webcam recording too. Moreover, you can move it to any you want on your videos.

Ya, kira-kira begitulah caranya menyertakan rekaman wajah kita di webcam sembari melakukan screencast dengan Camtasia Studio. Terimakasih sudah membaca. Semoga bermanfaat! Nantikan informasi menarik lainnya di artikel selanjutnya ya!


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