Cara Mudah Edit Video di Android dengan PowerDirector

Membuat sendiri sebuah video menarik bukan lagi menjadi hal baru. Sekarang ini, proses pembuatan video tidak hanya bisa dilakukan di studio atau di rumah, namun ternyata membuat video bisa dilakukan di manapun dan kapanpun. Apalagi dengan teknologi yang semakin canggih setiap harinya, kini mengedit video tidak hanya bisa dilakukan di komputer/laptop, namun juga bisa dilakukan di Smartphone kita.

Banyak sekali aplikasi pembuat/pengedit video di smarphone yang dapat kita jumpai di Google Playstore, atau di application store lain. Salah satunya adalah Cyberlink Power Director. Cyberlink power Director sendiri sudah terkenal sebagai software editor video di platform PC yang tak diragukan lagi kualitasnya. Setelah bertahun-tahun menjadi software langganan para editor video di PC, sekarang Cyberlink Power Director juga turut merambah platform mobile (smartphone) untuk mempermudah para penggunanya supaya dapat membuat atau melakukan editting video kreatif dengan kualitas HD.

Aplikasi ini dapat teman-teman unduh di Google Playstore secara gratis. Meskipun dalam versi gratisnya masih ada beberapa fitur yang terkunci, namun tentunya itu tidak memengaruhi kualitasnya sebagai software editor dan video maker.

(Seperti biasa, siapkan google translate sebelum membaca lebih lanjut jika anda merasa kesulitan memahami teks bahasa Inggris di artikel ini)

Now, the real case is how to use Cyberlink Power Director on smartphone?

Let us cut the chat and just get to the point. If you want to use PowerDirector on your smartphone, then you should:

1.    Download and install the application from Google Playstore, or another appstore you have on your smartphone.

2.      After you finished the installation, now open the application and start a new project.

3.      Set your project name and its aspect ratio and tap OK.

4.    Insert videos or photos or music files to the timeline. There are three different timelines: photo and video timeline, sticker and text timeline, also audio timeline.

5.    Here, PowerDirector is already have all splendid feature as a video editor. Every media (videos, photos, and audio files) in your smartphone will automatically detected and appeared. You can also choose your media files in google drive if you have any files there. Moreover, there is also a video capture which allow you to directly capture a video with your smartphone camera. And there is also color board feature to set the background color for the video you want to make.

6.     Enough with the feature, now choose one video and insert to your timeline to edit.

7.    Choose an audio file and insert it to the audio timeline right below the video timeline to make it more interesting.

8.    Choose a photo if you also wanted to add/combine some to your video.

9.   Then tap the transition icon that appeared between the photo and video in the timeline to add a transition effect. Sure it will be more good to see.

10.  Tap the plus (add) button and it will be automatically inserted to the video.

11.  If the durration of your audio is longer than the video, you can adjust it by cutting the unwanted part. Choose the where you want to cut it out and tap the cutter icon on the left screen.

12.  When you’re done, you can save it or produce it.

Begitulah cara mudah mengedit video dengan Cyberlink PowerDirector di smartphone. Terima kasih sudah membaca. Semoga bermanfaat. Nantikan informasi menarik lainnya di artikel selanjutnya ya!


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