Langsung Upload Video Editan ke YouTube dengan Camtasia
Di artikel-artikel sebelumnya, kita telah banyak membahas tentang Camtasia,
fitur-fiturnya, dan beberapa tips dan trik serta cara-cara menggunakan Camtasia
Studio. Nah, tahukah teman-teman bahwa dengan aplikasi Camtasia Studio ini
teman-teman sekalian biasa langsung meng-upload
video buatan teman-teman ke YouTube tanpa harus membuka browser di komputer
atau laptop?
Camtasia Studio memang memiliki fitur opsi khusus ketika kita hendak mem-produce video kita sehingga hasilnya
dapat langsung ter-upload ke YouTube.
Singkatnya, beginilah caranya.
(Seperti artikel sebelumnya, segera siapkan google
translate di tab browser baru jika anda merasa kesulitan memahami teks bahasa
Inggris di artikel ini)
These are the steps to produce and upload your
edited video directly to YouTube based on TechSmith Support for Camtasia
Firstly, we need to know how to make the best quality video to upload to
YouTube. The best quality to upload in Youtube is 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080. Of
course, once you set it out in Camtasia, it will be applied while recording,
editting, and producing the video.
Let us start
with recording video. Before you record a video, first you need to change the
dimension of your recording video. So it will not get blurred when being
uploaded to YoutTube. Easily, you need to set your ricording dimention in
1280x720 if you want to upload your video in HD 720p. But how can we do it?
Now, click
“Record the Screen” button on the menu and look at the recording box menu.
There you will see the dimension options for your recording video. Fill the
blank box dimension with 1280 and 720. Then you can start recording.
Not only
changing the dimension when recording the video, you also have to change the
dimension when you edit the video. The real question is how can we do it?
It may have a
different method for each versions of Camtasia, but here I will explain how to
set the editing dimension in Camtasia Studio 8. To be honest, it is really an
easy peasy thing. Just click the dimension tab on the top left of the canvas
and you will see a dialogue box appeared. Then enter the preferred dimension
(1280 x 720) under “Dimensions.” Click OK and you are ready to edit the video.
After editting
the video, now it is the time to produce it. The step is just the same like how
you usually produce a video in Camtasia Studio. Here you don’t need to change
the dimension, because it will automatically set as the editing dimension. But
if you want to produce while uploading your video directly to YouTube, you need
to change the custom option below “Show me how to produce my video” at the
dialogue box before producing the video. Choose “Share to YouTube” in that
custom option and then you can continue producing the video. Wait until the
producing process over. And finally now you can watch your video on YouTube.
One more thing, you have to keep it in mind that you have to be connected to
the internet if you want upload your video to YouTube.
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