Presentasi Ciamik dengan Microsoft Power Point

     Presentasi yang menarik sangat menentukan dalam penyampaian rencana bisnis maupun penyampaian materi pembelajaran. Untuk itu, banyak pula aplikasi-aplikasi pendukung untuk memberikan tampilan presentasi yang ciamik dan menarik. Salah satunya ialah Microsoft Power Point. Ya, program besutan Microsoft ini telah mendunia sejak lama. Bahkan hingga sekarang pun Microsoft Power Point sendiri telah mengalami banyak update dan penyempurnaan dari versi lawasnya. Sekarang pada versinya yang terbaru, Microsoft Power Point mengemban fitur-fitur yang semakin menarik dan semakin mudah untuk digunakan. Tentunya dengan fitur-fitur tersebut, presentasi yang akan disampaikan dapat menjadi lebih menarik, lebih modern, dan tidak membosankan.

         Sebelum masuk ke intinya, saya ingatkan bahwa saya akan menerangkan tips-tipsnya dengan bahasa Inggris. Maka jika dirasa agak membingungkan, anda bisa membuka google translate di tab browser baru. Berikut beberapa tips untuk membuat presentasi dengan Microsoft Power Point.

Here are some tips to make a wonderful presentation with Microsoft Power Point:
1.       Just show the point
If you want to make your presentation interesting, it will be best if you just include the main point on your Power Point. Importing so many contents and texts will only make it look so boring. People will not put any interest in a full text slide. But contrary, people usually getting interested in a wimple slide with a few words that contain the main point. So it should be good if you just insert the main point on your slide and explain the rest briefly by yourself.

2.       Use a beautiful layout for your power point
A good looking slide will also make people put their attention on the presentation. In this case, you should adorn your slide with a beautiful and interesting design. If you are not sure how to design your slide, you can just choose a template from the design menu in your Microsoft Power Point. Truly, Microsoft was already adding some feature just like the template for the Power Point slide. They make it much easier for us to make a wonderful presentation in free. So, make sure you really making use of it.
Another option is, you can search and download some free power point template from internet. Surely there are so many free template you can find and download from the internet.

3.       Use a transition effect for every slide
There is also a feature from Microsoft Power Point that can make you add a transition effect from one slide to another. Don’t worry, it’s a free feature. You can choose one from few transition effects on the transition menu. Just click a slide, and click the effect you want to add. Voilla!! You’re done. You can check it by pressing F5 button on your keyboard.

4.       Give animation effects for the content (words, picture, videos, etc.)
Did you ever know that there is a feature in Microsoft Power Point that can make you add an animation effect for your slide content? Yes, exactly you can add an animation effect for the text, picture or video that you want to show on your slide. You can click the object, and then click “add animation” icon from the animation menu. Further, you can choose one from the animation effect option. There are 3 types of animation effect: entrance (for the entrance of the object to the slide), emphasis (for the animation effect when the object is already shown in the slide), and exit (use it to add an effect when the object quit from the slide).

5.       Keep it simple but rich
It means that you should not add too many adornments or ornaments on your slide or it will just being so bored. You can add few ornaments which you need, but keep it simple. Don’t let the ornaments you add broke the impression of your slide and presentation. Make it elegant and balanced between the point and the ornaments.

Yah, begitulah beberapa tips yang bisa saya sampaikan untuk membuat presentasi yang menarik menggunakan Microsoft Power Point. Sebagai catatan, versi Microsoft Power Point yang saya gunakan adalah Microsoft Power Point 2019. Jadi, mungkin anda akan menemukan beberapa perbedaan letak menu pada versi Power Point yang lebih lawas.
Terimakasih sudah membaca. Semoga bermanfaat. Nantikan artikel selanjutnya ya!


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